Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Charity Photowalk In Liverpool

    Charity Photowalk In Liverpool

    Last Sunday I went on a Charity photo walk organised by Terry Donnelly in Liverpool to raise money for a little girl with eye cancer. You can find the go fund me page here:Go Fund Hayden It was a dreadful dreary day for a photo walk but we didn’t let that dampen our spirits. We…

  • My Camera and Lens Collection

    For this post I have decided to discuss the types ofd cameras and lenses i typically use and those I want to try and use in the future. I will be discussing my phone camera, digital SLR and my Polaroid Socialmatic Camera. First of all I am going to talk about my phone camera. I…

  • UCLAN Colour Run

    UCLAN Colour Run

    This weekend was one of the most exciting but unconventional shoots I have ever done. I was at UCLAN Sports Arena shooting a colour run with Preston Photographic Society, which people of all ages participated in to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Charity. What’s a colour run you ask? It’s a new craze where…

  • Photographers That Inspire Me

    So for my second post I have decided that I want to discuss photographers I’m inspired by. I’m going to start with old school photographers like David Bailey, Annie Leibovitz and Norman Parkinson. Then I will move on to my impression of modern photographers like Mario Testino, Lara Jade and Emily Soto. While at university…

  • Photographing People

    So for my first blog post I wanted to go back to my roots, where I started to discover that my favourite subject to photograph is people. Why people in particular you ask. I believe that everyone has a story to tell, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they express…

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