Author: lucy and the lens

  • You Are Your Own Worst Critic

    Most of us can relate to the feeling of staring at a photo for too long, second-guessing our every move. For me, this happened just last night. I was trying to pick a photo for a competition, and two hours and 30 images later, I finally made a decision. Even then, I found myself acting…

  • Take Time To Relax

    It’s always good to take the time to relax and have a holiday. I do this a few times a year and here are a few reasons why you should too: Taking a break from work can help you to relax and recharge, which can in turn lead to increased productivity and motivation when you…

  • What advice would you give to someone starting their first job as a Photographer?

    The most important thing when starting your first job as a photographer is to just be yourself. People buy from personality so show them what they will get when they choose you and the right people will keep coming back. Secondly be professional. This means being punctual, providing the client with what they asked for,…

  • How do I manage my workflow effectively as a freelance photographer?

    As a freelance photographer, one of the most important things I can do is manage my workflow effectively in order to ensure timely and high-quality photos are sent to my clients . This means I have to prioritize my tasks, and stay organized. One way to prioritize my workflow is to break down my projects…

  • What is the best way to capture special moments at events?

    What is the best way to approach capturing special moments at events ? Some argue that the best way to approach capturing special moments when photographing events is to be as unobtrusive as possible. Others say that it’s best to be upfront and proactive, seeking out those special moments. There is no wrong answer, but…

  • Collaboration

    Let’s Talk About Collaboration Why would anyone want to collaborate. To start with you need to find those collaborations that you feel will benefit you. Don’t collaborate with someone who appears on the surface to just be looking for a freebie. As one point of collaboration is that you hope to get some future work…

  • Is Ai Taking Over The Photography Industry?

    It hasn’t quite got there yet but there are a few warning signs like the fact that smart phones cameras are now more AI focused. Smartphone cameras are getting better and better each year, and a large part of that is thanks to the AI algorithms that power them. These algorithms are able to automatically…

  • Creative Setback Resolutions

    How do you deal with unexpected roadblocks or creative setbacks in your work? It can be tough to stay motivated when you encounter a roadblock in your work. Whether it’s a difficult project, a challenging client, or a personal creative setback, it’s important to find a way to push through and keep going. The way…

  • Why Should You Take A break?

    Today i’m going to discuss why it’s beneficial to take a holiday, by highlighting the importance of taking a break. Life can be hectic and stressful, and it’s important to take some time for yourself. By taking a break, you can allow yourself to relax and de-stress. This can be beneficial for your mental and…

  • The Importance Of Networking

    Today I want to talk about the importance of networking. I go to a variety of networking events predominantly CWS Creatives. Networking provides me with benefits for my business as it allows me to meet new people and build professional relationships. By attending networking events, I can connect with potential customers or clients, as well…