Category: Portraits
International Womens Day
A couple of weeks ago it was International Women’s day so here’s a selection of women I’ve photographed in the last year:
Capturing Emotion In Photography
Today I’m going to talk about the concept of capturing emotion in photography. Emotion is a difficult concept to capture in any art form, but particularly in photography. Images are two-dimensional and can often seem flat and lifeless. Yet, a good photographer knows how to use light, composition and timing to create images that evoke…
Let’s Talk About Collaboration Why would anyone want to collaborate. To start with you need to find those collaborations that you feel will benefit you. Don’t collaborate with someone who appears on the surface to just be looking for a freebie. As one point of collaboration is that you hope to get some future work…
Portrait Nights At PPS
I think the first step to learn things you didn’t already know about photography is to join a society to meet other photographers like mine. It’s my fifth year at Preston Photographic society and I’d like to talk about one of the aspects of the society that I really enjoy which is the Portrait Nights.…
Halloween\Day Of The Dead
What Is Halloween/ Day Of The Dead? A lot of people think that Day Of Dead and Halloween are interrelated. However they are two different festivals that appear to unintentionally connect in a number of ways. As stated on the National Geographic website Halloween is a dark night of terror whereas day of the dead…
Tips I Learned From Fashion Photography 101 by Lara Jade
“An artists vision creates the image; the camera simply captures it.” This is the opening line of the book and also the most important. Before you even pick up the camera you must have an idea of what you want to create as the camera doesn’t do the work for you, you have to do…
Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs of People by Henry Carroll
So after reading Henry Carroll’s other book discussing how to take great photographs in general which I posted on this blog and absolutely loving it, a couple of months later I walked into Waterstones and found that he had written another one but this time it was only to do with people, my favourite subject…
Charity Photowalk In Liverpool
Last Sunday I went on a Charity photo walk organised by Terry Donnelly in Liverpool to raise money for a little girl with eye cancer. You can find the go fund me page here:Go Fund Hayden It was a dreadful dreary day for a photo walk but we didn’t let that dampen our spirits. We…
Photographing People
So for my first blog post I wanted to go back to my roots, where I started to discover that my favourite subject to photograph is people. Why people in particular you ask. I believe that everyone has a story to tell, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they express…