Happy Sunday Readers! It’s Challenge Time. It’s And little Late but here goes.
Week 28 is the final of my colour scavenger hunt series and is called All White? White is for rare things, perfection, purity and innocence. White light, angels, peace, pristine sheets of paper.
Here are the results:
Cupids Arrow
Instead of posting next Friday the week after I will be doing another double post. For Week 29 I have chosen another challenge from Photocrafty by Sue Veneables. Week 29’s challenge will be Still Life. This is about picking complementary objects that complement each other and creating a composition. In paintings this is often a bowl of fruit.
For Week 30 I’m going to try one of the things photographers rarely do. This is the dreaded Self Portrait. We will see how this one goes. I mostly photograph people and fashion but rarely photograph myself except on a quick phone snap.
If you enjoyed this weeks challenge join in with next weeks Still Life challenge or my challenge for the week after Self Portraits and tweet or Instagram to @lucyandthelens and don’t forget to #stilllife or #selfportraits.
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