Two weeks ago, I asked you to share your best ever shot. My best ever shot is this image below of Stacey because I remember it as the first shot, I won a photography competition with back in 2016 and I think that stays with you. It was one of my first portrait night at Preston Photographic Society Also. It was shot with my 55-200m Telephoto zoom lens. This image was lit with soft boxes and a reflector.
The second image is from Button Photographic. Button Photographic Says: “Here is a shot I took when I went camping last September, we spent a few hours walking in pretty rough rain before getting to the campsite but when we got there and started pitching our tent we were greeted with this gorgeous rainbow.
It was a lovely surprise considering I expected the weather to be atrocious the whole time and I was overjoyed to get a shot of it.
I shot it on my Nikon D3300 with my Sigma 10-20mm lens.
I can’t really decide whether this is my “best shot” but it’s up there for sure!”
The third image here is from Simon Garner Photography. Simon Garner Says: “I really love the shot, and it was one of my first dance shoots. It Taken with Nikon D3x, 50mm lens, two soft box flashes. Taken as part of a dance shoot.”
If you enjoyed this post and want to share your best ever shot with me please email or share on my facebook page
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